Pre-Fall 2019
A Message from Associate Dean Carrolle Kamperman
Information for College of Arts & Sciences students who matriculated prior to fall 2019:
All students who matriculated prior to the 2019 catalogue year will continue under the general education requirements of the catalog they matriculated under unless they elect to switch catalogue years.
In most cases, students who have already completed the majority of their general education requirements will benefit from staying on their current catalogue year. However, in some cases, it may be beneficial for students to switch to the 2019-2020 catalogue. By now, you have likely discussed this possibility with your CASA advisor; however, it is not too late to switch to the 2019-2020 catalogue year. You will find information about the requirements of the new core as well as some helpful FAQs.
You also can run a “What If?” audit to help you think about whether or not switching to the 2019-2020 catalogue might be beneficial. If you think you may want to switch, please contact your assigned CASA advisor.