Literature in Context
The Literature in Context Distribution List will allow students to study literature in its historical or social context to gain insight into the connections between literature and society, enabling rich interdisciplinary conversations. Students will apply the learned skills to a specific body of literature to contemplate how language and culture enact discussions of issues such as the natural and supernatural world; power and knowledge; and groupings of race, religion, ethnicity, class, and gender.
- CLA 2301, Literature of Ancient Greece
- CLA 2302, Literature of Ancient Rome
- CLA 2306, Greek and Roman Mythology
- ENG 2301, British Literature
- ENG 2306, World Literature
- FRE 3312, Children's Literature in French
- FRE 3315, Panorama of French Theatre
- GTX 2301, Intellectual Traditions of the Ancient World: Literature and Thought
- GTX 2302, Medieval Intellectual Traditions: Literature and Thought in Context
- GTX 3341/THEA 3341, Master Works in Drama
- PHI 2303, Philosophy in Literature
- REL 3301, Psalms and Wisdom Literature
- REL 3308, The Literature of the Pentateuch: Narrative, Poetry, Genealogy and Law
- SPA 3305, Introduction to Hispanic Literature