Common Courses
American Literary Cultures
An introduction to the literature of the United States, from the colonial encounter to the 21st century. This course will emphasize the major works of American literature, by men and women, by authors from different regions of the United States, and by authors from the many cultural backgrounds that constitute the complex, global history of great writing in America.
Christian Heritage
An introduction to Christian life and thought, from the early church to the present, through an examination of great texts with an emphasis on Christian doctrine, ethics, witness, and institutions.
Christian Scriptures
An introduction to the Old and New Testaments (their contents, historical backgrounds, and major themes) and to appropriate strategies for interpretation of the Bible.
The U.S. Constitution
A study of the philosophic and historical background, development, and content of the United States Constitution and its interpretation by the Supreme Court in a complex and ever-changing multi-ethnic, multi-racial, and multi-religious society.
The U.S. in Global Perspective
An introduction to the history of the United States within a global context from 1776 to the present, this course examines the ways a distinctly American society developed within larger patterns of world history. Themes explored may include nationalism; imperialism; revolution; concepts of democracy, freedom, and equality; migration and immigration; industrialization and economic systems; and global conflict.