Foreign Languages & Culture
Since Baylor’s mission is to “educate men and women for worldwide leadership and service,” it is essential that graduates be able to demonstrate proficiency in a second language at the intermediate level, for which completion of 2310 is the minimum. The requirement also encourages students to continue developing proficiency in a second language beyond 2310 if they have already met the 2310 minimum but gives students the opportunity to take classes taught in English that explore cultures in non-English-speaking linguistic traditions.
- Modern Foreign Languages* 1301 (* includes: ARB, CHI, FRE, GER, ITA, JPN, KOR, POR, RUS, SPA, SWA)
- Modern Foreign Languages* 1302 (* includes: ARB, CHI, FRE, GER, ITA, JPN, KOR, POR, RUS, SPA, SWA)
- Modern Foreign Languages* 1412 (* includes: GER, SPA)
- Modern Foreign Languages* 2412 (* includes: GER, SPA)
- Modern Foreign Languages* 2310 (* includes: ARB, CHI, FRE, GER, ITA, JPN, KOR, POR, RUS, SPA, SWA)
- Classical Languages* 1301 (* includes: GKC, HEB, LAT)
- Classical Languages* 1302 (* includes: GKC, HEB, LAT)
- Classical Languages* 2310 (* includes: GKC, HEB, LAT)
All students must demonstrate proficiency through the 2310 level in a modern or classical language or through the 1302 level in two Classical Languages (Greek, Latin, Hebrew) or complete GER, SPA 1412 & 2412. For those who already have credit for 2310 (pre-Baylor) or place into a higher level, the following options are available:
- ARB 2320, Arabic Popular Culture
- AST 2380, The Peoples and Culture of Asia
- AST 4388, Contemporary Chinese Society and Culture
- CHI 2320, Communication in Intermediate Chinese
- CHI 3305, Chinese for Business I
- CHI 3306, Chinese for Business II
- CHI 3310, Chinese Language and Culture Through Film
- CLA 3301, Roman History and Civilization
- CLA 3302, Greek History and Civilization
- CLA 3303, Hellenistic History and Civilization
- CLA 3304, Byzantine History and Civilization
- FAS 1311, Modern Languages, Cultures, and Global Communities
- FRE 1412, Accelerated Elementary French
- FRE 2320, Passport to the French-Speaking World
- FRE 2321, French for Health Professions
- FRE 3301, Advanced French Grammar
- FRE 3302, Conversational French
- FRE 3308, French and Francophone Pop Culture
- FRE 3310, Introduction to French Literature
- FRE 3330, Introduction to French Cinema
- GER 2320, German for Modern Life
- GER 3301, German Conversation and Composition
- GER 3341, Introduction to German Culture: Germany in the Making
- GER 3345, Introduction to German Film: German Culture from Berlin to Hollywood
- GKC 2320, Intermediate Greek Poetry
- HEB 2320, Intermediate Hebrew II
- ITA 2320, Pathways in Italian Culture
- ITA 3301, Advanced Italian Grammar
- ITA 3302, Italian Conversation, Reading, and Composition
- ITA 3310, Introduction to Italian Literature
- ITA 3330, Italian Through Film
- JPN 2320, Explore Japan
- JPN 3301, Advanced Japanese I
- JPN 3302, Japanese Culture through Reading
- JPN 3305, Japanese for the Professions
- JPN 3306, Japanese Cinema
- KOR 2320, Intermediate Korean II
- LAS 2301, An Introduction to Latin American Studies
- LAT 2320, Intermediate Latin Poetry
- MES 2301, Introduction to the Middle East
- POR 2320, Exploring the Portuguese-Speaking World
- POR 3301, Exploring Brazilian Pop Culture
- RUS 2320, Russian Culture in Context
- RUS 3301, Russian Conversation and Composition
- RUS 3345, Introduction to Russian Film: Culture and Identity
- SPA 1304, Elementary Spanish for Heritage Speakers
- SPA 2304, Intermediate Spanish for Heritage Speakers
- SPA 2320, Exploring the Spanish-Speaking World
- SPA 2321, Advanced Spanish for Health Professions
- SPA 2322, Spanish for Christian Ministry
- SPA 2324, Spanish for Business
- SPA 3302, Conversation and Composition
- SPA 3304, Advanced Spanish for Heritage Speakers
- SPA 3309, Introduction to Spanish Linguistics
- SWA 2320, Intermediate Swahili II
- THEA 3352/JPN 3352, Japanese Theatre and Culture